Phoebe’s Photo Essay

Grandma, who was born in 1933, met Grandpa in Guangzhou when she was 18. Grandma dedicated her whole life to taking care of their children and assisting Grandpa to start his first business. Overcoming all the difficulties and trying all their endeavours, Grandma carrying her four children migrated to Hong Kong in 1964. She has never moaned and groaned about the poor living condition at the beginning of migration. Instead, she tried to provide her children the best in poverty. Two years later, Grandpa united with the family in Hong Kong and began to start his Garment Industry with the aid of Grandma. In 2006, Grandpa passed away and Grandma started to live on her own feet.

1. Grandma bought this bed when she had rooted in Hong Kong 50 years ago. She is not willing to change a new one even if she moves into a new flat.

2. Grandma loves to watch TV while she is lying on bed. The TV set is a birthday present from my cousin and Grandma cherishes it very much.

3. Grandma loves wearing loose and comfortable clothes in dull color.

4. Grandma insists doing every washing step by herself although she has a maid.

5. Grandma is curious. She reads a multitude of articles even though she doesn’t know many words.

6. Watching TV is her biggest entertainment on weekdays. She is used to watching news channel in an effort to keep herself updated for the surroundings.

7. It is inevitable for an 80-year-old woman to have some health problems. Grandma has to take medicine regularly.

8. Grandma always goes to the supermarket and looks for bargains.

9. Grandma always keeps something for a rainy day. She buys grocery time to time to fill the cupboard.

10. Standing in front of the basket long to pick the freshest oranges for her grandchildren.

11. Grandma chooses every ingredient patiently for a family dinner.

12. Grandma is used to exposing the vegetable before washing it.

13. Grandma has learnt to cook since she was 18, which was also the year she married my Grandpa.

14. Grandma persists in peeling the orange by her wrinkled hand instead of using a knife.

15. Every week, Grandma opts for the best pomelo and renews the rotten one for worshipping my Grandpa, who passed away 8 years ago.

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